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  • 作者:谷歌推广
  • 发表时间:2021-01-10 13:44
  • 来源:迅龙网络

  CHICAGO, Feb. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Chicago-based marketing agency Robinson & Maites invites marketing professionals to visit to vote "Excellent!" or "InExcusable!" in their 2nd Annual Extreme Marketing Programs Poll.

Featured programs include Free Nights At The Inn for Mary and Joseph program, the My Pet Fat One Ton Tour, the Scientist Vending Machine, the Free SUVs For Babies incentive, the Bloodbath Party and five other examples of extreme marketing run in 2007. Some came from famous brands; others were created by smaller companies, and one was even a government-sponsored initiative.

According to agency president Alan Maites: "This year we had an even longer list of extreme programs to choose from; it was difficult to decide on just ten. But it was worth the effort, because it inspired us to start developing EME -- Extreme Marketing Evaluation -- a process for making "go/no go" decisions about risk and reward in unconventional marketing programs at the concept stage -- before too much money is spent, before potential embarrassment, before careers are put on the line."

About Robinson & Maites, Inc.

Robinson & Maites is the Upside Down Marketing Agency, making significant contributions to marketing thought since its founding in 1960 as William A. Robinson, Inc., a pioneer in sales promotion as a separate marketing discipline. Today the agency''s contributions go far beyond promotion, with strategic planning and executions in many marketing disciplines for clients including FedEx, Boise Paper, Discover Card, Verizon and United Airlines, as well as organizations such as Gateway for Cancer Research. More information on the agency is available at

Source: Robinson & Maites, Inc.


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