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  • 作者:谷歌推广
  • 发表时间:2020-08-21 11:01
  • 来源:迅龙网络


Accurate, retro, hale and hearty, I think this is the impssion of all the people who have touched the universal watch. But in fact, the universal table has 5 major classic series, each series has its own characteristics and style, the following small series for everyone to explain the characteristics of the various lines.

�性能。SwatchBellamy全球新闻发布会-祝酒庆祝斯沃琪SwatchBellamy支付腕表今天亮相的四款腕表充分体现了斯沃琪设计的趣味、色彩和功能性。接下来的几个月内,这款全新支付腕表将由此次的合作伙伴在全国范围内推行,并� 表(Hublot)打造成拥有自产机芯,并大胆使用创新材质,在全球范围内拥有声誉的手表品牌。如今,这位老人又将泰格豪雅(TagHeuer)收入神囊,下面就请跟我一起来听听他对这个品牌又有怎样的想法与规划吧:·着力音� �的海湾,以及五位著名的戏剧人物,分别在演奏音乐或吟唱歌曲,并在三问功能启动时,通过人偶功能做出更多动作。IGIARDINIDIBVLGARI系列女士腕表IGIARDINIDIBVLGARI系列女士腕表50枚,宝格丽花园是一个专为女士设计的腕表系

Leonardo da Vinci series, Key words: innovation, wine bucket type. Many of the IWC's innovative technologies have pioneered the use of Udavensi forms. After several years of research, testing and improvement, all Da Vinci watches are equipped with a distinctive barrel-type case. IWC has created the 89360 calibre for the da Vinci chronograph, from the beginning of the development to the production of finished products at the Schaffhausen Watch plant. This is the first time that IWC has adopted the "table" principle, that is, this watch can read the chronograph directly, and its timing and hours are displayed in the same way as normal time.

��。”他坚定的相信,设计师是有意义的职业之一。获奖合影终大奖由塞巴斯蒂安•佩雷特以英国伦敦大本钟为灵感溯源所设计的腕表作品,获胜此次美度腕表设计大赛,美度全球总裁FranzLinder先生,斯沃琪集团中国总裁� 2015年10月16日,星期五,新赛季首场英杰华橄榄球超级联赛(AvivaPremiershipRugby)电视比赛将在英格兰特威克南拉开帷幕,对战双方为Harlequins和Wasps。日本制表商西铁城连续第二个赛季成为赛事计时。西铁城SWWorldTimeGPS腕�

�展馆的四周设计成皇宫里落地窗的样式,漫步其中,仿佛进入童话中的城堡,让人心醉神迷。展馆的正中央放置了简洁的展台,被玻璃罩起来的腕表在灯光的照耀下散发出迷人的魅力。加之四周落地窗的设计,使得出展的腕� CKMULLER更推出了极富现代感的VanguardPixel腕表;VanguardGlacier的蓝灰冰川色调完美协调,为腕表营造鲜明的视觉效果;品牌今年与ItalianSeaGroup合作,特别推出VanguardYachting腕表向精湛工艺和航海致敬;尊贵女装腕表LongIslandFlame亦于展览


�级钟表展朗格展馆一览 �经精心修饰,传递出格拉苏蒂小镇高级制表传统的典型特征,单支售价为59500,亦可整套购买全球25套,还是非常值得拥有。先睹为快!泰格豪雅卡莱拉Heuer02陀飞轮计时码表实拍图

Portofino Portofino Series, key words: Junior needles, simple. Portofino Portofino Series Wrist watch is the classic style of the junior, its meaningful, elegant design reflects a leisurely attitude towards life, it has been the IWC series in the gentleman, is the implicit temperament and taste of the perfect embodiment.
Pilot series, Key words: Jun Feng, non-magnetic escapement. The pilot series of watches is inspired by the dashboard in the cockpit of the aircraft. For more than 76 years, the pilot's watch has been looking for reliable and durable material to cater for the needs of the time, and in the early days of the aviation industry, the primary task of watchmaking was to protect the watch from dust, extreme temperature changes and the powerful magnetic field produced by engine room instruments. However, over the years, a design tenet has been adhered to, that is, the dial must be easily read in any case. This is the original design of the cockpit of the IWC-led pilot's watch. This has not only created the new field of the watch industry, but also become a model for future professional pilots.






Engineer, key words: Technology strength, sturdiness and durability. The IWC pilot's watch was inspired by the sky, the ocean-time series from the ocean, and the engineer's watch from the land. The engineer's name is a solid symbol, which seems to be no other IWC series can come out of its right. Even in extreme environmental conditions and even intense adventures, it can cope with it.

Portuguese series, key words: pcision, navigation. In the late 1930, two Portuguese watch importers active in the watch industry visited the Schaffause watchmaking plant to seek maximum mechanical pcision.
They ordered the same pcise steel case watch as the nautical chronograph. At that time, only the use of pocket watch movements to meet their requirements. So IWC decided to use the hunter-type movement and carry it in a watch case. The first Portuguese series, which came on sale in 1939, laid the groundwork for an important IWC watch family, and for the next more than 70 years, its pcision, size and pcision mechanical structures had been a delight to the likes of the lovers.
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