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  • 作者:谷歌推广
  • 发表时间:2020-10-06 19:53
  • 来源:迅龙网络



  AUD: Aussie traded through 1.04 yesterday and is still attracting plenty of foreign buyers. The local ASX 200 reached a 14mth high overnight. AUD back above key moving averages and in the middle of the 1.02-1.06 range. In the very short term may drift lower.

  GBP: It appears that buoyant employment is flowing through to consumer spending. Retail sales jumped 0.6% last month, up nearly 3% YoY (ex-fuel). As a result, Q3 GDP growth should be positive. Sterling unmoved by the news.







  The notion that gold is the only safe asset as the major central banks around the world continue to go down the money-printing route has been one that has held water fairly well to date. Gold has more than doubled in price since the Fed started down the quantitative easing (QE) road in late 2008 (when it started buying mortgage-backed debt). Gold has even outpaced gains in the Aussie over this time, by around 40%.


  EUR: Lots of unresolved issues at the latest EU summit such as banking reform and fiscal union. Euro finding it difficult to penetrate 1.31. A test of the downside likely near term.

  But more recently gold has been looking tired. The failure to break above the 1,800 level (as was seen late Feb.) has led to a pull-back and neither the price action on the dollar (mostly higher since QE3) nor the trends in real interest rates suggest we are going to see any push back towards this level soon. In dollar terms, gold is still 10% higher on the year, but if the dollar does rally into year-end, this could still end up being the first down year for gold since 2000.

  Little wonder then that the currency continues to defy the regular drumbeat of bearish prognostications from various currency commentators. For when risk appetite swoons, the Aussie has benefitted from safe-haven demand for its bonds, while in recent weeks the thirst for beta from offshore has also aided the currency. It won’t always be like this, but for now it explains why the Aussie seems virtually bullet-proof.

  The World Gold Council’s Q3 report, just released, showed how gold has reacted to policy announcements (including more QE) from the major central banks. For the US, the average daily return on gold of less than 0.1% compares to an average daily return of nearly 0.4% in the periods near and just after policy announcements form the Fed. This far out-paced the gains seen around Fed announcements for other assets, such as bonds, equities and other commodities.

  Safe-haven currencies have struggled recently, with the yen down for seven straight days and gold under USD 1,740. Both still look suspect. However, risk assets and currencies are looking toppy near term, and traders may look to take profits near term. Euro is looking tired, as is cable.

  ALL: Google and Microsoft shares fell hard overnight after earnings misses and commodity prices dropped, a warning that risk assets may have run too far in the short term. Otherwise little of interest today. Note – 25th anniversary of Black Monday, the stockmarket crash of 1987.




  JPY: Continues to struggle. Improvement in global risk appetite is hurting the yen, as is prospect of yet more BoJ asset purchases and political uncertainty regarding both a further fiscal injection and LDP call for fresh elections. MoF will be very pleased with yen demise.

  USD: Existing home sales out at 14:00, but unlikely to move the dial as housing recovery already priced in. Of more interest are corporate earnings, with GE and McDonalds reporting later. Weak corporate profits could assist the dollar in the near term.

  These days the Aussie can be characterised as having a split personality. On the one hand, there is real money which is prepared to take on risk like the high-beta qualities of Australian assets. Overnight, the ASX 200 reached a fresh 14mth high as offshore investors have rushed in to buy mining stocks which cheapened during the rout in Q3. In addition, Asian investors continue to hoover up prime Australian real estate. On the other hand, Australia is legitimately regarded as a safe-haven these days, one of a select few sovereigns with a solid AAA rating. Foreign investors and sovereign wealth funds have scooped up government bonds, attracted by low public debt and the government’s commitment to return the budget to a surplus in the current fiscal year. Remarkably, nearly 80% of government bonds are owned by offshore real money.


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