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谷歌seo自学视频, http状态码中英文详解

  • 作者:谷歌推广
  • 发表时间:2020-03-23 12:20
  • 来源:迅龙网络

如果您在 搜索引擎蜘蛛 尝试抓取的网址上发现此状态(位于”诊断”标签的 HTTP 错误页上),那么,这表示 搜索引擎蜘蛛 所追踪的可能是另一网页中的无效链接(旧链接或输入有误的链接)。

200 ( success) server has been successfully processed the request. Usually, the said server provides the requested webpage. If your robots.txt file is displayed for this state, then, that the search engine spiders have been successfully retrieved the document.
404 ( not found) server could not find the requested webpage. For example, if the request is directed to the server doesn’t exist on the webpage of the, then, the server will typically return this code.

求者转到不同的位置。但由于 搜索引擎蜘蛛 会继续抓取原有位置并将其编入索引,因此您不应使用此代码来通知 搜索引擎蜘蛛 某个页面或网站已被移动。
400 ( error request server does not understand the grammar request ).
505(HTTP 版本不受支持) 服务器不支持请求中所使用的 HTTP 协议版本。


500 ( internal server error the server encountered an error ), was unable to complete your request.
1XX ( temporary response )
408(请求超时)  服务器等候请求时超时。

501(尚未实施) 服务器不具备完成请求的功能。例如,当服务器无法识别请求方法时,服务器可能会返回此代码。
505 ( HTTP version is not supported ) the server does not support the request by the use of the HTTP protocol version.

If you are not on site robots.txt files, so, this is the correct state. However, if you have a robots.txt file and found this state, so, this shows your robots.txt files may be naming errors or is in the wrong position. ( the file should be located in the top-level domain name, and shall be called robots.txt ).


300(多种选择)  服务器根据请求可执行多种操作。服务器可根据请求者 (User agent) 来选择一项操作,或提供操作列表供请求者选择。
202(已接受)  服务器已接受了请求,但尚未对其进行处理。
2XX ( success)
202 ( accepted) server has accepted the request, but not for its treatment.
If the requester webpage since last request and never changed, you should configure the server to return the response ( known as If-Modified-Since HTTP header ). Because the server can tell the search engine spiders crawl after have changed since the last webpage, thus can save bandwidth and cost
The status code indicates, in attempt to handle the request server internal error. These errors may be the server itself is wrong, not request error.
503(服务不可用) 目前无法使用服务器(由于超载或进行停机维护)。通常,这只是一种暂时的状态。
403 ( banned ) server refused request. If the search engine spider trying to crawl your site effective webpage show this status code ( you can be in the Google webmaster tools in the diagnosis of Web crawl page to see the status code ), then, this may be your server or host refused to search engine spiders of their visit.
307(临时重定向)  服务器目前正从不同位置的网页响应请求,但请求者应继续使用原有位置来进行以后的请求。此代码与响应 GET 和 HEAD 请求的 301 代码类似,会自动将请

Ask the person to a different location. But as a result of the search engine spiders will continue to capture the original position and the indexed, so you should not use this code to tell the search engine spiders a page or site has been moved.
409(冲突)  服务器在完成请求时发生冲突。服务器必须包含有关响应中所发生的冲突的信息。服务器在响应与前一个请求相冲突的 PUT 请求时可能会返回此代码,同时会提供两个请求的差异列表。
411(需要有效长度) 服务器不会接受包含无效内容长度标头字段的请求。
413(请求实体过大) 服务器无法处理请求,因为请求实体过大,已超出服务器的处理能力。


410 ( deleted ) if the requested resource has been permanently removed, then, the server will return the response. The code and 404 ( not found) code is similar, but the resources used to have but now no longer exists, sometimes replaced the 404 code appears. If the resource has been permanently removed, then, you should use a 301 code specifies that the resources of the new position.
501 ( not implemented ) the server does not have to complete the requested function. For example, when the server is unable to identify the request method, the server may return this code.
300 ( multiple choice ) by the server can perform multiple operations. Server according to the requester ( User agent ) to select an operation, or operation list for a requester selects.
205(重置内容) 服务器成功处理了请求,但未返回任何内容。与 204 响应不同,此响应要求请求者重置文档视图(例如清除表单内容以输入新内容)。
302 ( Temporary Mobile ) server is different from the position of the webpage in response to the request, the request should continue to use the original location for future requests. This code and the response of GET and HEAD request to the 301 code is similar, and will request
407(需要代理授权) 此状态代码与 401(未授权)类似,但却指定了请求者应当使用代理进行授权。如果服务器返回此响应,那么,服务器还会指明请求者应当使用的代理。
201(已创建)  请求成功且服务器已创建了新的资源。
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