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Yoga Toes(R): A Natural Solution for Aching Feet and Foo

  • 作者:谷歌推广
  • 发表时间:2020-12-14 13:32
  • 来源:迅龙网络
  ANN ARBOR, Mich., Jan. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Foot issues are among the most widespread and neglected health problems affecting the population in the US according to the American Podiatric Medical Association. In addition, women have about four times as many foot problems such as hammer toes, bunions and plantar faciaitis (heel pain) as men due to the wearing of high heels. To remedy these painful issues, exercise of the feet is key. Yoga Toes, gel footcare exercise devices, offer a simple, one step, natural solution.

Yoga Toes are worn while relaxing to help stretch, strengthen and align foot muscles, increase circulation and help straighten bent toes.

"The feet take on the weight of a person''s entire frame. When the feet are neglected they become misaligned and create imbalance throughout the whole body," said Yoga Toes? Inventor Frederic Ferri.

"Yoga Toes? work by gently stretching cramped and stiff feet leaving them revived and rejuvenated," said Ferri.

Yoga Toes? can benefit most anyone suffering from foot pain caused by ill fitting shoes, spending too much time on their feet at work or participating in activities such as running, tennis, aerobics, golf and dancing. Yoga Toes? can also help senior citizens and children.

Getting in Shape

Yoga Toes? are easy to use. Just place them in water for few seconds to make them slip on quickly and easily. Then, allow Yoga Toes? to exercise and relax your toes. Although they may be uncomfortable at first, much as it is with beginning any other form of exercise, this is an indication that they are working. If possible, wear Yoga Toes? for five to fifteen minutes or as long as you are reasonably comfortable. With continued use they can be worn up to an hour or more.

The more times that they are worn, the more you will notice the benefits. Some people see results immediately, others may take longer.

For more information on Yoga Toes?, go to the Yoga Pro(TM) website

Source: Yoga Pro(TM)


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